As we near the end of 2008, I equate my successes by the number of hats I have worn during the year. To do this, I, as did Susan – the heroine in
Snakes in Paha Sapa – will perform an annual reflection of the previous year’s events. This year is no different in that regard, however, I now have an avenue in which to reflect my ramblings and acquisitions to the whole cyberspace world —> my blog.
I’m not a blog-master by any stretch of the imagination, nevertheless, I am getting the hang of it one click at a time. I count that as one of my accomplishments of 2008. I think I will enjoy the creative expression that will come with having a blog, if only I remember I have one. My memory isn’t what it used to be. That’s why I’m counting on all of you to remind me by regularly posting comments. Why just last week I was combing my house from top to bottom looking for something I’d received in the mail but forgot where I stashed it, only to discover halfway through my search I couldn’t remember what it was I was looking for. Oh well, I did find it eventually but in the most peculiar place. Onto counting my hats ...
With my creative hat this past year, *deep breath* ... I made a thousand or so polymer clay beads, hundreds of cell phone charms, many ceiling fan/lamp pulls, several beaded pens, a handful of stitch markers, couple of lopsided polymer clay canes, a few bookmarks, two heart key rings, and a beaded letter opener with beads made by me. I was the artistic visionary, shipping and receiving department, supply scout, accounting estimator, inventory control, listing agent, and the marketing director. I currently have nearly 700 items listed out there somewhere – the 209 Swarovski crystal listings alone made my fingers bleed!
One of my goals was to join with the greatest Etsy’s PC Street Team, so I put my best foot forward and was accepted into the Polymer Clay Artists Guild of (PCAGOE) group. I continue to have a wonderful group of friends with Laughing Muse Jewelry Artisans (LMJA) on Etsy, and Tranquil Beading Oasis (TBO) on eBay.
As for my “day” job, I managed to work a semi-full flying working schedule as a Flight Attendant. Then along with day-trading once or twice a week, I continue to write my novels and create new passionate storylines. This next year I will focus on writing (perhaps even publishing) my first non-fiction book to add to my previous titles.
I’ve had a couple of medical mishaps this year, very different from years gone by. I’ve never really had any major health issues in my life which makes this year a red-letter date in my history book. 2009 will be the continuation of what I’ve learned about keeping myself outta the doctor’s view. No New Year’s resolution here, as I was not going to wait until 2009 to begin my education on recovery.
The dogs got groomed by me many more times than they would have liked, not to mention, my taxi service for the many trips to the Vet. I hired a contractor to remodel the front half of my house, leaving the back half to annoy me next year. I stepped up my recycling efforts and purchased an additional kitchen trash can just for those items. And ... I put my supervisor cap on and made Doug (the boyfriend of 16 years) take them to the recycling center.
I’ve made many new friends this year, reacquainted myself with past acquaintances, and have cherished every minute with those friends who are steadfast in my everyday life.
I’ve worn many hats this year, and done many things, I’m just not sure I was successful at any of them. My house needs dusting ... can anyone help me out there? :)
Cyndie ... wishing you a healthy and prosperous 2009 with many hats of your own!